We also tested the basic performance of network such as throughput> transmission latency and fault recovery latency and qualitatively analyzed the results of the test. 测试了吞吐量、传输时延、故障恢复时延等网络基本性能,并对测试结果进行了定性的分析。
This paper presents a fail-silent fault behavior based on high reliable distributed computer system, and uses two effective ways to reduce the fault detection latency: making use of the limited capability of fault detection of a single processor, and increasing the comparison of task signature state. 提出了一种基于Fail-silent节点故障行为的高可靠分布式计算机系统,提出了减少上述系统节点故障检测延迟的两条有效途径:利用单机有限的故障检测能力和增加任务特征状态比较。
Evaluation results show that the proposed fault-tolerant method can effectively improve network performance. It also shows that the designed router has many advantages, such as low area overhead, excellent fault tolerance, and low network latency. 评估结果表明,该容错方法能够有效提高网络性能,所设计的路由器具有面积开销小、容错特性好、低注入率下平均网络延迟低的性能优势。